
8th May 2024

HSLC Results declared: The Meghalaya Board of School Education (MBOSE) declares their Cl XII results. In Commerce, there were 18 students who appeared from St Xavier’s Umoid. Of them, 10 secured first divisions, 7 secured second divisions and 1 secured a third division.

7th January 2024

College Tour to Kolkata: Fifty-six students visit Kolkata on a five day educational tour. Five staff members accompanied them. They return enriched from their travel.

St. Xavier’s Umoid students at the Botanical Gardens in Kolkata.

30th September 2023

College Day celebrated: College Day is celebrated with pomp and pageantry. The Chief guest, Shri. Vincent Pala, MP, Meghalaya, the guest of honour, Smt. Deborah C Marak, former Dy. Chief Minister and MLA, and Fr. Paul Coelho, the former Principal, grace the occasion. Xavier Hall welcomed over 300 guests, besides the students.

22nd September 2023

State Winners: The students of St. Xavier’s Umoid are declared State champions at the Meghalaya Youth Festival held in Shillong. Earlier, they had won the district level championship to qualify for the State level competitions.

St. Xavier’s Umoid declared Overall Champions at the Meghalaya Youth Fest in Shillong.

2nd September 2023

Youth Festival: The students of St. Xavier’s excel in the Youth Festival organized for the educational institutions of the SWKH and EWKH districts at Sngap Syiem College Mawkyrwat. They win the first place in all events – Skit, Quiz, and Marathon. They are to now compete in the state-level competitions at Shillong.

St. Xavier’s students at the Youth Festival at Sngap Syiem College, Mawkyrwat.

3rd August 2023

DC and ADC welcomed: The Deputy Commissioner of the South West Khasi Hills, Shri. Tableland Lyngwa, IAS, and his ADC, Shri. Aldrin L Bench, visit St. Xavier’s Umoid. The Principal, staff and students welcome the guests and the honor them. On his maiden visit to the institution, the DC expresses his gratitude to the Jesuits for starting a college in Umoid and requests the students to make the most of the opportunity.

The DC and the Assistant DC of the SWKH Dt. are welcomed to St. Xavier’s Umoid.

18th July 2023

Welcome, Fr. Sunny: The staff and students of of St. Xavier’s Umoid welcome the new principal, Fr. Sunny Augustine, in a simple yet meaningful ceremony. Fr Sunny comes from Loyola College, Williamnagar, where he served as principal for almost nine years. He is a strong, joyful and dynamic leader. Fr Paul, the outgoing principal, moves to Guwahati to serve the Jesuits in NE India as the Development Director and Secretary for Education.

Fr. Sunny Augustine SJ, the new principal, being welcomed by Fr. Paul Coelho SJ, the outgoing principal of St. Xavier’s Umoid.

8th June 2023

Healthy Life Choices” workshop: Dr. S. Saldanha, a medical doctor, and Ms. Shreya, a trained counsellor and therapist, conduct a one-day workshop for the students on Healthy Life Choices. They divide the students into groups, based on gender, to discuss issues relating to healthy living habits, relationships, addictions, life choices, sexuality, etc.

Students participating in a group session of the Healthy Life Choices workshop

19th May 2023

Fr. George’s Final Vows: In a moving ceremony at the end of the “Kohima Jesuit Region Days 2023, “Fr. Vilezo George SJ, the vice principal of St. Xavier’s Umoid, professes his Final Vows as a Jesuit.

Fr. George being congratulated by the Jesuit Regional Superior, Fr. Melvil Pereira SJ,

12th May 2023

National Youth Parliament”: Two students, Bashimti and Ibadalin, represent St. Xavier’s College Umoid in the two-day National Youth Parliament conference hosted by NEHU. Sr. Blestina accompanies the students.

St. Xavier’s College Umoid participates in the National Youth Parliament at NEHU

29th March 2023

“Politics and Economy” Seminar: St. Xavier’s Umoid hosts a Seminar on “Politics and Economy.” Dr. Kiran Cotha SJ was the chief resource person. Besides the resource persons, some from the college staff, some students were given the opportunity to present their positions.

The Resource persons, staff, and student-participants after the Seminar

23rd March 2023

Leadership Programme: Fr. Pradeep, a dynamic motivational speaker, offered a Leadership programme for the college students today. He focused on the need for good leaders and the distinguishing qualities of leaders in today’s world.

Fr. Pradeep speaks to the college students on Transformative Leadership.

15th February 2023

Little Flower School Umoid: Today, the Women’s Self Help Group of Umoid, under the leadership of Ms. Rishalyne and Mr. Dimading, started Little Flower, an English medium primary school presently offering Nursery and KG classes. St. Xavier’s Umoid are accompanying LFS in many ways, including offering them guidance and help with their academic programme, staff recruitment and financial audit. The school will be upgraded every year.

On 16th February 2023, the second day of school, three visitors from the USA visit LFS Umoid.

23rd December 2022

Ms. Bashimti wins: Bashimti Snaitang, a second year student at St. Xavier’s College Umoid, wins the first prize for best speaker at a state-wide competition organized at the Soso Tham Auditorium in Shillong. She was also declared the overall runner.

Ms. Bashimti Snaitang, a second year student, wins at the “U ‘Nai Khatsaw Synia bad Ka Lukhimai” – a state-wide competition

18th November 2022

University Examination Centre: St. Xavier’s College Umoid received permission from NEHU to conduct the university semester examinations on campus. The third semester students were also granted permission to answer their semester examinations at Umoid instead, instead of going to Nongstoin.

22nd October 2022

Parents’ Day Celebrations: St. Xavier’s Umoid celebrates its ANNUAL PARENTS’ DAY with a cultural programme. The Hon’ble Shri Renikton Lyngdoh Tongkhar, Minister, was the Chief Guest. The highlight of the programme was a Play on the Life of Tirot Sing, a Khasi syiem (king) who fought for the freedom of his people.

The Chief Guest, the Hon’ble Shri Renikton, Minister, speaks to the Parents’ Day gathering..

3rd October 2022

NEHU Inspection: A three-person team from the Examination Department of NEHU visits the college to assess its readiness to be an Examination Centre.

The inspection team being introduced to the college students by the Principal..

14th September 2022

First Prize in Essay Competition: Ms. Melfysha from Cl XI secures the First prize in an Essay competition organized by the District Soil and Water Conservation Office on the topic “Catch the Rain.” Four other students participants are awarded consolation prizes.

Melfysha, (third from left) with the other students receiving their awards .

22nd August 2022

Meeting friends and benefactors: In the USA, the Principal, Fr. Paul, meets friends and benefactors who have assisted St. Xavier’s Umoid in the past and many of whom continue to support in different ways. Fr. Paul also meets some potential new donors with requests for assistance for the works in Umoid.

Fr. Paul Coelho with Amita and Antonio Antao, along with their grandson, are friends from the US who have contributed toward the Scholarship Fund for students from socioeconomically disadvantaged families..

5th August 2022

IAJU Conference: From 3rd – 6th August 2022,the leaders of Jesuit Hr. Education institutions from around the world met at Boston College in the USA for the conference of the International Association of Jesuit Universities (IAJU). There were roughly 360 participants, including Very Rev. Arturo Sosa Abascal, the Superior General of the Jesuits.

Fr. Paul Coelho (backing the camera in a black suit) after a group meeting of the South Asian delegates with Very Rev. Arturo Sosa Abascal SJ, at the IAJU conference in Boston, USA.

28th June 2022

New Academic Year begins: The new academic year commenced today with an Orientation Programme for all the new students, in the Hr. Sec school and the college.

6th June 2022

Jesuits move to campus: After being in Jakrem for 4 years, the Jesuits moved into a newly-constructed residence on campus, which was blessed by Fr. Dionysius Vaz SJ, the Provincial of the Karnataka Jesuit Province.

The new Jesuit residence on campus

22nd April 2022

JCSA Education Secretary visits: The JSCA Secretary for Education, Fr. John Ravi SJ, visits St. Xavier’s Umoid. He addresses the student assembly, meets the staff, and takes a special session on Career Counselling for the Cl XII students.

Fr. John Ravi conducts a sessions for the Cl XII students

8th April 2022

College Administrative-Arts Building: With the structural and floor plans ready, construction work on the new college building begins. Mr. Mebansan Lyndem from Shillong is awarded the contract.

An excavator begins the site-levelling for the new college Admin-Arts building.

26th March 2022

New Football Ground: With a grant from the CM’s office, the construction of the new football field begins.

A JCB levelling the soil brought in for the new football field

26th March 2022

New Jesuits welcomed: Fr. Vilezo George Meze SJ and Br. Ngashan Albert SJ arrive to join the St Xavier’s Umoid team. Fr. George will be engaged in teaching and administration in the College and Hr. Sec. school, while Br. Albert will be looking after the construction works.

5th March 2022

Farwell Picnic: The students of Cl XII go to Sawsymper for a Farewell picnic. Many of the students, with some staff members, climb Mt. Symper (Lumsymper).

The Cl XII students on the top of Mt. Sawsymper

20th January 2022

College Staff In-service: The college staff attended an In-service about conducting Online Exams at St. Anthony’s College, Shillong.

The College Staff attend an In-Service at St. Anthony’s College Shillong

15th January 2022

Meeting the Governor: Along with Hon’ble MP, Shri Vincent Pala, the principal met the Governor of Meghalaya, His Excellency Shri Satya Pal Malik, to try to advance the implementation of the college Provisional Affiliation from 2022-23 to 2021-22. The Governor promised to speak with the Vice Chancellor of NEHU about it.

The College Principal meets the Governor of Meghalaya with Shri Vincent Pala, MP.

17th December 2021

Pre-Christmas Celebration: The staff and students have their pre-Christmas celebration. They sing carols, play games, compete and enjoy some sweets together.

9th December 2021

College Provisional Affiliation: The CDC Office of NEHU grants Provisional Affiliation to St. Xavier’s College Umoid for a period of three years, from 2022-25.

7th December 2021

The Inauguration: The Chief Minister of Meghalaya, Shri Conrad Sangma, inaugurates the new academic block, in the presence of the Hon’ble Shri Renikton L. Thongkar, Minister, the staff and students of St. Xavier’s Umoid, and dignitaries and other well-wishers.

Shri. Conrad Sangma, the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Meghalaya, inaugurates the new academic building.

3rd December 2021

Feast Day Eucharist and Blessing of the New Building: His Grace Victor Lyngdoh, the archbishop of Shillong, celebrates the Holy Eucharist on the Feast of St. Francis Xavier and blesses the new academic block.

27th October 2021

NEHU Inspection: As part of the process for granting Provisional Affiliation, a six-member inspection team under the leadership of Prof. S. M. Sungoh visits the college. Besides their conversation with the principal, they also meet the students and verify the college documents and facilities.

Dr. Paul Coelho SJ, the college principal, introduces the NEHU team to the students

25th October 2021

Fr. David transferred to Maweit : Fr. David Nukhu SJ, who was appointed the vice principal of the Hr. Sec. school just as it was being established in 2019, is transferred to St. Mary’s school, Maweit. The staff and students give him a tearful farewell and speak of their admiration for him as a teacher and guide, and their appreciation for his caring ways and sense of humour. Fr. Melwyn Fernandes SJ comes to St. Xavier’s to help with the Inauguration of the new building while also filling in for Fr. David on a temporary basis.

22nd October 2021

Hr. Sec. gets Provisional Affiliation: MBOSE grants St. Xavier’s Hr. Sec. Umoid Provisional Affiliation for a period of three years.

8th October 2021

Jesuit Regional Superior’s visit: The Regional Superior of the Kohima Jesuits, Fr. Melvil Pereira SJ, officially visits Umoid for his annual visitation. He addresses the students, meets the staff, and discusses future plans with the principal.

Fr. Melvil Pereira SJ, the Jesuit Regional Superior, addresses the students.

1st October 2021

Mass of the Holy Spirit: Today, the entire St. Xavier’s Umoid family gathers today to celebrate the Mass of the Holy Spirit, a tradition in Jesuit institutions that dates back to 1548.

16th September 2021

St. Xavier’s College Umoid officially opens: Today is a historic day in Umoid. It is the first day of a new college — St. Xavier’s College Umoid. Fifty-five students are enrolled. The new academic year begins with a two-day Student Orientation programme.

9th September 2021

Cl XI Students’ Orientation: The students enrolled in Cl XI of the Higher Secondary school are welcomed and have a two-day Student Orientation. This provides them to get to know each other, to learn about the school’s history and traditions, and the expectations that St. Xavier’s Hr. Sec has of its students.

7th September 2021

Staff Orientation: The staff have a two-day orientation programme. Five new staff members have joined St. Xavier’s: Ms. Anisha, MCom, from Sohra, Meghalaya; Ms. Freedashisha, MCom, from Mylliem, Meghalaya; Ms. Phibashisha, MA, from Mawngap, Meghalaya; Sr. Blestina Pala MSMHC, MA, and Sr. Lusika Sangma MSMHC, MA, who will also serve as the vice-principal of the college. Fr. Michael Kerketta SJ (not in the picture) is the director of buildings and grounds.

The 2021 Staff who attended the Orientation

9th August 2021

College and Hr. Sec Admissions begin: With MBOSE declaring its results, admissions for new students in the Hr. Sec. school and the new college begin today.

20th July 2021

NEHU grants permission: The Director of the CDC (College Development Committee) of NEHU, Dr. Kayang, writes to stay that NEHU has granted permission to open St. Xavier’s College Umoid. The pandemic delayed the process by several months as the NEHU Academic Council had been to hold its scheduled meetings.

10th May 2021

Class XII Online Classes begin: The school staff begin to send students online notes, tests and even teaching classes in a staggered manner via the Whatsapp and Signal apps .

5th May 2021

Regular classes stop: After just a couple of weeks of regular classes in the new academic year, schools close again because of a surge in Covid-19 cases. The staff have a meeting and decide to revert to online classes.

22nd April 2021

New academic year begins: Class XII classes in both streams, Arts and Commerce, begin for their new academic year.

17th April 2021

Staff In-service: Ms. Monica and Mr. Sainborlang attend a staff in-service programme held at Mawshohroh. The programme was conducted by Fr. Konrad Noronha SJ, a clinical psychologist, and focused on “Child Protection” in the context of growing menace of child abuse and exploitation, and human trafficking

21st March 2021

Construction work recommences: The construction work on the school building and the work on the campus resume.

The campus development works continue

11th March 2021

Class XI Exams: The Class XI students begin their MBOSE exams, even though the question papers have been set by the school staff and the corrections also done inhouse.

27th February 2021

Peace Rally: There is a Peace Rally organized by the local leaders of the Umoid area in support of the non-local workers who were recently attacked.

The Peace Rally in support of the workers who were attacked on 24th February 2021

11th February 2021

NEHU Inspection: A team, under the leadership of Prof. Nongbri, the Dean of NEHU’s School of Education, visits the college for a site inspection. Besides addressing the students of the Hr. Sec. School, they also visit the building site, verify the application documents, and inspect the library.

28th October 2020

College NOC: The Government of Meghalaya gives St. Xavier’s Umoid the No Objection Certificate to start College classes from June 2021.

8th October 2020

Dept. of Hr. Education Inspection: A team from the Directorate of Higher and Technical Education visit the proposed college for an onsite inspection. After going through the documentation of the proposed college, to ensure all the prerequisites have been fulfilled, and also visit the building site and check the library books and other facilities. It is only after the Government gives its No Objection Certificate (NOC), that the application for affiliation to the university can be submitted. By June 2021, if all goes well, the college would be ready to begin classes with its first batch of students.

31st July 2020

St. Xavier’s Website launched: St Xavier’s Umoid launches its website The architecture makes it accessible from mobile devices, not just laptops and computers. In keeping with the Govt. guidelines, admission forms are now available online.

16th March 2020

School Closure: The Government of Meghalaya orders all schools to be indefinitely closed because of the spread of the dangerous COVID-19 pandemic.

7th March 2020

Kohima Jesuit Region Golden Jubilee: Very Rev. Fr. Arturo Sosa Abascal SJ, the Superior General of the Jesuits, attends the Golden Jubilee celebrations commemorating the arrival of the Jesuits to Northeast India. He will also visit Meghalaya for a public function on 9th March at Umbir. Mr. Conrad Sangma, the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Meghalaya, and Mr. Vincent Pala, the elected Member of Parliament from Shillong, are expected to attend the celebrations, along with a host of other important dignitaries and the people of the area.

3rd March 2020

District Champions: The St. Xavier’s Higher Secondary school fields two teams for the District level Quiz and Debate competitions. The students take the first place in the Quiz competition and the third place in the Debate. The teams were trained by Mr. Sainborlang Marwein.

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The St. Xavier’s Students clinched the Championship in the District-level General Knowledge and Debate Competitions.

3rd February 2020

Board Exams: The Class XI students begin their Board exams, which are conducted in the school even though the question papers are set by the Meghalaya Board of School Education (MBOSE).

30th December 2019

Dn. David Nukhu ordained: In his home village of Razeba in Nagaland, Dn. David, the vice principal, is ordained a priest. A group of students, accompanied by Fr. Paul Coelho and Mr. Sainborlang Marwein, attend the ordination.

6th December 2019

Pre-Christmas Gathering: Prior to the commencement of the second terminal examinations, the school has a pre-Christmas Eucharistic celebration followed by a cultural programme that includes carol singing and games.

2nd December 2019

Feast of St. Francis Xavier: For the very first time, the school celebrates the feast of St> Francis Xavier, its patron. Speaking at a religious ceremony, Fr. Paul Coelho SJ, the principal, highlights the qualities of the saint that the students should try to emulate.

26th November 2019

DC’s visit: Ms. Isawanda Laloo IAS,the DC of our district, visits the school and meets with the students. She encourages them to make the most of the opportunity they have at St. Xavier’s Umoid to get a good education and succeed in life.

Ms. Isawanda Laloo IAS, the District Commissioner, visits the school and interacts with the students

19th October 2019

International Art Festival: Several St. Xavier’s Higher Secondary students, accompanied by Mr. Marwein, participate in an International Art festival held at Mawkyrwat. The purpose of the festival is to expose local students to art forms from around the world and to learn to appreciate art.

St Xavier’s students at an International Art Festival

9th October 2019

Commerce Stream Permission Granted: The Directorate of Education of the Government of Meghalaya gives St. Xavier’s Higher Secondary School Umoid permission to start the Commerce stream.

25th September 2019

Regional Superior’s visit: Fr. Melvil Pereira SJ, the Regional Superior of the Kohima Jesuits, visits the new school. He addresses the students and meets with the staff.

25th September 2019

District School Education Officer’s visis: The DSEO of the South West Khasi Hills (SWKH) district, Bah John Thyriang, visits the school and speaks to the students.

The Principal welcomes and introduces Bah John Thyriang, the DSEO, when he visits the school

16th July 2019

Dn. David Nukhu SJ, joins the staff: Having just completed his theological studies in Delhi, Fr. David Nukhu SJ joins the staff and is appointed vice-principal. He had earlier served in Arunachal Pradesh.

10th June 2019

First day of School: Today was the first day of school for the students.

6th June 2019

New Students’ Orientation programme: Mr. Sainborlang Marwein, along with Brs. James Chin SJ and Matheus Kharbudon SJ, conduct a two-day orientation for the new students. The students are introduced to the ideals of Jesuit Education and the expectations of the school.

5th June 2019

St Xavier’s Higher Secondary school Umoid officially opens: St. Xavier’s Umoid opens its doors to its first class of fifty-seven Class XI students in the Arts stream. The Principal, Fr. Paul Coelho SJ, welcomes the students to a new school and speaks about the significance of the day, reminding the students that they are indeed a very special group to be attending St. Xavier’s Higher Secondary on the very first day of its existence. When the assembly ends, the students plant a few trees on campus to remember the occasion. The day, coincidentally, is also Earth Day and the festival of Eid.

Students are seen here the first day of the new school

3rd June 2019

Admission Results declared: The results of the Admission procedure are announced. Fifty-seven students are accepted in Class XI. All 57 of them are enrolled in the school.

18th April 2019

Foundation stone laid: The Jesuit Regional Superior, Fr. Melvil Pereira SJ, and a few other leaders and guests attend the the laying of the foundation stone for the new building. Bah Harmarles Thabah is awarded the contract.

4th March 2019

School advertised: Attractive flexes advertising the new school are posted at significant locations in the area. Posters, too, are circulated and distributed to the various high schools in the area.

Fr. Paul Coelho SJ, the founding principal, stands besides a flex advertising the new school.

1st February 2019

Permission received: St. Xavier’s Higher Secondary School Umoid receives permission from the Directorate of Education to start Higher Secondary classes (XI and XII) in the next academic year 2019-20).